Sunday, October 23, 2011

TV Talk Show Host Day, National Mole Day, Chulalongkorn, more

October 23rd, 2011, is TV Talk Show Host Day, iPod Day, XTERRA World Championship, National Mole Day, Mother-in-Law Day, Chulalongkorn Day, Paris Peace Treaty Day, National Canned Food Day, and National Boston Cream Pie Day.

TV Talk Show Host Day honors all TV talk show hosts, but the date commemorates the birth of legendary host Johnny Carson. Heeeeere's Johnny! (And here's a shout-out to my current favorite, Craig Ferguson. He is the sharpest knife in the drawer.)

The first iPod was unveiled on this date in 2001; the first iPod hit the market in November 2001. We've come a long way since then. Happy iPod Day, with a nod to Apple's co-founder, Steve Jobs.

The 2011 XTERRA World Championship takes place in Maui, Hawaii, USA. It is the "world's premier off-road triathlon," featuring a 1.5-kilometer rough water swim, a 29.5-kilometer mountain bike race, and a 9.8-kilometer trail run. Follow the action on Twitter at #XTERRA and #XTERRAMaui.

The theme for National Mole Day 2011, according to the National Mole Day Foundation, Inc., is "Moles of the Round Table." Mole Day isn't what you probably think it is. Celebrated from 6:02 am to 6:02 pm on 10/23, Mole Day celebrates Avogadro's Number, 6.02 x 10^23, and the mole, a unit of measure in chemistry.

The fourth Sunday in October is Mother-in-Law Day. If you have a mother-in-law, surprise her with something special.

Chulalongkorn Day is observed in Thailand, in memory of King Rama V.

Cambodia observes Paris Peace Treaty Day, remembering the end of civil war and the formation of its democratic governement during negotiations held in Paris.

Did you know a French chef invented canning? Me neither - I was shocked. National Canned Food Day commemorates the birth date of chef Nicolas Appert, the "Father of Canning." Many health experts recommend switching to fresh or frozen, but the canned food aisles remain stocked and popular in grocery stores everywhere.

October 23rd honors the official dessert of Massachusetts, Boston Cream Pie. Good thing it's not the official pie, because it's really a cake. Have some without question or guilt on National Boston Cream Pie Day.

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