Saturday, June 22, 2013

Supermoon full moon on June 23rd, 2013

Full moon. Image: morgueFile.

June 23rd, 2013, brings a supermoon - this year's most spectacular full moon. A supermoon, technically perigee-syzygy, occurs when the full moon and the moon's perigee come within twelve hours. Perigee is the point in the moon's orbit when it comes closest to our planet.

The actual moment of full moon takes place today, but the exact moment varies with your location. However, the best time to view the supermoon is when it's only partially visible, at the horizon, because an optical illusion makes the moon seem even bigger.

Make time to see the full moon tonight. There's something magical about that orb in the sky, watching over us, lighting our way along with the stars.

Following is a list of full moon names for June. Some are bound to catch your attention. I'm keeping my distance from the Lakota moon, okay?

Hoer Moon - Abenaki
Full Strawberry Moon - Algonquin
When They Hill Indian Corn - Algonquin
When the Hot Weather Begins - ArapahoFull Leaf Moon - Assiniboine
Strawberry Moon - Anishnaabe
Poson - Buddhist
Moon of Horses - Celtic
Flower Moon - Cherokee
Green Corn Moon - Cherokee
Lotus Moon - Chinese
Windy Moon - Choctaw
Rose Moon - Colonial American
Leaf Moon - Comanche
Egg Hatching or Laying Moon - Cree
The Month Leaves Come Out - Cree
Blackberry Moon - Creek
Moon When June Berries Are Ripe - Dakotah Sioux
Dyan Moon - English Medieval
Berries Ripen Moon - Haida
Jyeshta Purnima - Hindu
Purnima Vrat - Hindu
Vat Savitri Poornima - Hindu
Major Planting Moon - Hopi
Nuertorvik - Inuit
Mead Moon - Janic
Strawberry Moon - Janic
Camas Ripe - Kalapuya
Sauhua daawaatra - Keresan
Summer Moon - Kiowa
Harvest Moon - Klamath
Thumb (counting on fingers, beginning with thumb in August) - Klamath
Wokas Moon - Klamath
Halapisu - Kumeyaay
Making Fat Moon - Lakota
Big Mouth Moon - Maidu
Big Summer Moon - Maidu
Ripening Moon - Mohawk
Blackberry Month - Muscokee
Watermelon Moon - Natchez
Big Planting - Navajo
Planting Moon - Neo Pagan
Moon When the Buffalo Bulls Hunt the Cows - Omaha
Summer Moon - Passamaquoddy
Rules Nature Moon - Pomo
The Brodiaca Moon - Pomo
Hot Weather Begins Moon - Ponca
Turtle Moon - Potawatomi
Dark Green Leaves Moon - Pueblo
Leaf Dark Moon - San Juan
Raspberry Moon - Shawnee
Summer Moon - Shoshoni
Moon of Making Fat - Sioux
Moon When Green Grass Is Up - Sioux
Strawberry Moon - Sioux
Corn Tassel Moon - Taos
Moon When the Leaves Are Dark Green - Tewa Pueblo
Birth Moon - Tlingit
Naapaim Muattsi - Tumpisa
Hay Moon - Unknown
Honey Moon - Unknown
Lovers' Moon - Unknown
Strong Sun Moon - Unknown
Fish Spoils Easily Moon - Wishram
Taa'a Meecha - Yaqui
Blackberry Ripening - Yuchi
Turning Moon - Zuni

Sources for full moon names:

More about the moon:

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