Monday, October 8, 2012

Octopus Day, Kick Butt Day, Touch Tag Day, Fluffernutter Day, more

October 8th, 2012, is Octopus Day, National Kick Butt Day, Cosmopolite's Day, American Touch Tag Day, Alvin C. York Day, Columbus Day, Native Americans' Day, Thanksgiving (Canada), Navy Day (Peru), Health and Sports Day, Constitutional Day (Uganda), National Pierogi Day, and National Fluffernutter Day.

Today is Octopus Day, the first in this year's series of Cephalopod Awareness Days.

National Kick Butt Day isn't a day for violence against the posteriors of others. Rather, it's a day to kick your own posterior into action. Don't confuse this holiday with National Kick Butts Day, an anti-smoking campaign.

Cosmopolite's Day is one time when you have permission to shop, shop, shop, assuming your bank account can withstand the hit.

Tag - you're it! Today is American Touch Tag Day.

October 8th is Alvin C. York Day, honoring a hero of World War I, the recipient of the U.S. Medal of Honor and French Croix de Guerre. While separated from his patrol, Sergeant York somehow killed 20 enemy troops and captured 132 German soldiers.

Christopher Columbus didn't discover America, since Native Americans were already living there, but he did bring awareness to Europe and prove that the earth isn't flat. The second Monday in October is celebrated as Columbus Day.

Some parts of the United States observe Native Americans' Day along with (or instead of) Columbus Day. The day is also observed by some as Indigenous People's Day.

The second Monday in October is Thanksgiving in Canada, a time to give thanks for the year's harvest and good fortune.

Peru observes Navy Day on October 8th.

Japan celebrates Health and Sports Day on the second Monday in October, commemorating the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. The event is celebrated in October to avoid summer rains. Children are the focus, with many activities that encourage exercise and healthy competition.

Uganda observes Constitutional Day on this date.

National Pierogi Day honors an Eastern European treat. Semi-circular pockets may contain any variety of savory ingredients.

Here's my confession for the day: I've never had a fluffernutter. Sorry! It's simple enough to make, evidently. Just spread one slice of bread with marshmallow fluff, spread another slice of bread with peanut butter, then combine them to make a sandwich. Voila! Now you know how to celebrate National Fluffernutter Day.

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