Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hanukkah, Thanksgivukkah Eve, Tie One On Day, more

November 27th, 2013, is Hanukkah, Chanukah, Tie One On Day, Pins and Needles Day, and National Bavarian Cream Pie Day.

The first menorah candle is lit at sundown today, commemorating the first day of Hanukkah in 2013. The Festival of Lights is spelled many different ways, including Chanukah

ADVANCE NOTICE FOR TOMORROW: It is a rare year when Hanukkah has its first full day on Thanksgiving. Some have coined the term Thanksgivukkah. The two holidays last converged in 1861, before Thanksgiving was officially celebrated, and - get this - they won't converge again for about 75,000 years!
November 27, 2013 - Tie One On Day

Tie One On Day is always celebrated on the day before Thanksgiving. EllynAnne Geisel, the holiday's creator, writes, "On the day before Thanksgiving... pause in the preparation of your own meal, wrap a loaf of bread or other baked good in an apron, tuck a prayer or note of encouragement in the pocket, and tie one apron, of course! and deliver the wrapped bundle to someone without your bounty...  a neighbor, friend or family member in need of physical or spiritual sustenance, a bit of recognition or just a kind word." What a lovely sentiment, invoking the true spirit of the season!

Pins and Needles Day sounds like just another novelty holiday, celebrating either anticipation or that feeling you get when your circulation has been cut off. Actually, the holiday commemorates the anniversary of the opening performance of the only union-produced musical, called Pins and Needles.

If you've had enough pumpkin pie for a while, or if you've simply run out, try something different today in honor of National Bavarian Cream Pie Day.

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