Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sweetest Day, Seafood Bisque Day, more

October 19th, 2013, is Sweetest Day, Bridge Day, Evaluate Your Life Day, Mother Teresa Day, and Seafood Bisque Day.

Sweetest Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in October. The event originated in Cleveland, Ohio, in the middle of the twentieth century, when a man decided to distribute small gifts to orphans and shut-ins. Over time the sentiment expanded to included more cities and to embrace acts of kindness to anyone whose spirits could use a lift.

Bridge Day in Fayette, West Virginia is the one day every year when people are allowed to BASE jump from the New River Gorge Bridge into the gorge below. BASE stands for Building, Antenna, Span, and Earth.

Today is Evaluate Your Life Day. Have you met your important goals? Touched the lives of others? Checked off a few items on your  bucket list? Take time to ponder and maybe set some new goals.

Albania celebrates Mother Teresa Day on October 19th, the anniversary of the day in 2003 when she was beatified by the Vatican. Mother Teresa was born in Albania.
Warm your heart and your tummy with a steaming bowl of goodness on Seafood Bisque Day.

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