Palindrome Day is here again! A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sentence that's spelled the same way forward or backward - "Do geese see God?" for example. Today's date is a numerical palindrome - 2-10-2012. This is your special day, wordsmiths and math geeks!
Umbrella Day could be the day to play Rihanna's song
National Day of Action is observed in the UK on Friday of Go Green Week. Here's the latest from People and Planet: "This year, we're asking the government to live up to its promise to become the greenest government ever and take urgent action to secure the education sector's transition to a low-carbon, sustainable future that can create green jobs."
Plimsoll Day honors Samuel Plimsoll, who introduced the Unseaworthy Ships Act in Britain in 1876. The Act was meant to solve the problem of overloaded ships, by requiring a line - the Plimsoll Line - to be painted on every ship's hull to show its waterline at maximum capacity. Unfortunately, the original Act was poorly written, requiring a line but not requiring the line to be accurately placed!
National Cream Cheese Brownie Day highlights a different sort of brownie. I'm not sure if it's meant to have extra zing or just be healthier than regular brownies made with butter. If you try some, please report back!
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