Monday, April 14, 2014

Palindrome Day, Passover, more

April 14th, 2014, is Palindrome Day, Passover, Reach As High As You Can Day, National Look Up at the Sky Day, International Moment of Laughter Day, Ex-Spouse's Day, Pan American Day, Children with Alopecia Day, and National Pecan Day.

4-14-14 is yet another Palindrome Day, when the date is the same forward or backward. 

The Jewish Holiday Passover, or Pesach, begins at sunset today and continues through nightfall of April 22nd. Passover commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. 

Telescope. Image: Idea go;
Dream big - today is Reach As High As You Can Day. Literally, stretch as far as you can. Figuratively, stretch your creativity. Feels great both ways, right?

On National Look Up at the Sky Day, take time to appreciate the wonders of the heavens. This year, the holiday coincides with a full moon and lunar eclipse! See my separate post.

I've advised my daughter to marry someone who can make her laugh, because laughter makes the tough times easier. Find many, many moments to laugh today, in honor of International Moment of Laughter Day.

I'm so happy to be exempt from celebrating this holiday, Ex-Spouse's Day. If the day has meaning for you, please try to find some peace and common ground, especially if you have children with your ex.

Pan American Day commemorates the date in 1890 when twenty-four American nations agreed to unite in one continental community.

Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss on the head and body. Learn how you can help on Children with Alopecia Day.

On National Pecan Day, have some pecans. The healthiest way, of course, is to eat your pecans as Mother Nature made them. The decadent way, which I love, is to eat your pecans in the fabulous dessert known as pecan pie.

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