Adopt a Rescued Bird Month
Alzheimer's Awareness Month
Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count - December 14th to January 5th
Bald Eagle Awareness Month
Bath Safety Month
Be Kind to Food Servers Month
Be On Purpose Month
Birth Defects Prevention Month - 2013 theme - "Birth defects are common, costly, and critical"
Blood Donor Month
Book Blitz Month
Braille Literacy Month
Bread Machine Baking Month
California Dried Plum Digestive Health Month
Celebration of Life MonthCervical Health Awareness Month
Change Your Profile Picture to a Muppet Month - Facebook
Change Your Stars! Month
Clean Out Your Closets Month
Clean Up Your Computer Month
Coffee Gourmet International Month
Creativity Month
Crime Stoppers Month
Diet Month
Eye Health Care Month
Financial Wellness Month
Get Organized Month
Get Over It Month
Glaucoma Awareness Month
High-Tech Month
Hobby Month
Hot Tea Month
Letter Writing Month
Lose Weight, Feel Great Month
Love Yourself Month
Mail Order Gardening Month
Mentoring Month
New Year's Resolutions Month for Businesses
No Name-Calling Month
Oatmeal Month
Personal Self-Defense Awareness Month
Polka Month
Poverty in America Awareness Month
Prune Breakfast Month
Quality of Life Month
Radon Action Month
Reaching Your Potential Month
Rising Star Month
Self-Help Group Awareness Month
Shape Up US Month
Skating Month
Slow-Cooking Month
Soup Month
Soup Swap Month
Stalking Awareness Month
Staying Healthy Month
Take a New Year's Resolution to Stop Smoking (TANYRSS) - December 17th to Superbowl Sunday, February3rd
Thank You Month
Thyroid Awareness Month
Train Your Dog Month
Volunteer Blood Donor Month
Walk Your Pet Month
Wayfinding Month
Wealth Mentality Month
Wheat Bread Month
If you know of other month-long celebrations that should be included in this list, please provide info in the Comments section below. Happy January!
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